
In the next two weeks, AgitArte will be participating in events commemorating the one year anniversary of Hurricane María and the 150th anniversary of the Grito de Lares uprising. We will be sharing the End the Debt! Decolonize! Liberate! scroll on September 20th, 23rd and 27th in different spaces throughout Puerto Rico. ...

Faced with the collapse of the State and the abuses of FEMA in post-Maria Puerto Rico, we have organized ourselves in self-managed spaces around the Island known as Centros de Apoyo Mutuo (Mutual Support Centers + CAM). In addition to providing support to overcome urgent needs in the communities, we promote their empowerment and create discussion spaces to generate critical thinking and the understanding that we are facing a political disaster that is even more dangerous than the natural disaster.

See the Map


Help us share a counter narrative to contest the dominant and inaccurate media coverage of Puerto Rico. The artwork here was created by AgitArte | Papel Machete artists, and artists in solidarity with the struggle in Puerto Rico. These images are free and available for download. When sharing, please also include the text and hashtags written for each artwork....